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Terms & Conditions

JOLLI HOMES (JHomes) a subsidiary of Jivvat  Empire Ltd.
1.1       Welcome to Jollihomes website (the site). JOLLI HOMES (JHomes) is a secured, site, platform and App where hotel apartment/vacation homes are made available for short-letting. It provides a platform for Property owners or managers of short let apartments to advertise and connect with travellers,fun seekers, film makers, tourists who need to book such apartments for short-letting.
1.2       By logging in, registering on, accessing or using this website, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions
2.0       DEFINITION OF TERMS: In this T & C, the words and expressions shall have the following meaning:
  1. Host– Home Owner/Manager
  2. Guest – Traveller/Person seeking to rent a home
  3. Service Provider –
  4. Go Live: An apartment that has met the platform’s requirement, and has been actively listed on our Site.
  5. Family Apartment: Special feature apartment for a group of person related by consanguinity, affinity or residence.
  6. Standard Apartment: Special feature apartment for persons traveling for business purposes, student exchange programs and mobile individuals who want to stay home-away from Home.
  7. Fun maker Apartment: Special feature apartment for fun seekers, movie location and indoor parties.
  8. Luxury Apartment: Special feature apartment known for its grandeur, magnificence and elegance.
  9. Inventory list: this is a list containing all the items at the apartment for record purposes in case of damages.
  10. Security deposit” this is the amount paid by the guest, to cover up any damages incurred during the guest(s) stay and must be refunded in full if there no damages are recorded.
3.1       JOLLI HOMES helps leisure seeking guests connect with host who had advertised their service apartment on the site for short-letting.
3.2       Joining JHomes, as a host or guest, means becoming part of a community of inclusion because bias, prejudice, racism, and hatred have no place on our platform or in our community.
3.3      At JHomes, we value authentic hospitality and open mind. We are respectful of each other in our interactions and encounters. JHomes appreciates local laws and cultural norms and therefore expects hosts and guests to abide by governing laws, and to engage with each other respectfully.
3.4      Listing on JHomes is free. However, We have three Paid listing categories to ensure that hosts on either of these three categories,ranks higher in the search by prospective Guests over a free listing.

The three listings include;

  1. Ruby #5,950
  2. Emerald #10,950
  3. Diamond #15,950
4.0       TERM OF USE
-By using or accessing the site, you represent and covenant that all information submitted to JHomes and to the site during your registration and at all other times are true and correct.
– You agree to promptly notify us of any variation in the information submitted.
–  You are required to submit a valid means of Identification before commencing transaction on our site. Note: Until a host has been verified, his/her listing will be pending on our site.
-You acknowledge that a legally binding agreement is constituted upon booking/reservation.
-Your reservation is made directly with the Host the Guest have chosen.
-By confirming reservation with your guest, you are entering into a legally binding agreement between you (The Host ) and your guest.
-Reservations/bookings on the site can be modified where parties cannot meet up with the scheduled date.
N.B: Where it is the host that cannot meet up with the scheduled date, then the host is obliged to make other arrangement for the Guest.
1. Guest shall allow Host access to the property for purposes of repair and inspection.
2. Host shall exercise this right of access in a reasonable, respectable manner with a prior notice.
Security Deposit
-This varies according to House Rules of each host; check with your host to know what’s applicable to the apartment you’ve chosen.
The amount is to be paid to the host along side the payment for the apartment and refunded to the guests upon confirmation that no damage occurred.
-Where there is/was any damage, the amount of the damaged item will be deducted from the deposit and the balance if any will be refunded to the Guest.
Inventory List
This List should and must be given to the Guests upon arrival. The Guest is entitled to confirm the items listed in the inventory and raise objection on discrepancies.
Guests are required to confirm that the items in the list are intact before exiting the property.
N.B failure to confirm items in the inventory list by both Parties ( Host and Guest), will lead to liability for damages. And the company won’t be held accountable by any means.
Cancellation Policy
-Different cancellation policy applies; we therefore implore you to read the house rules and cancellation policy attached to each listing before proceeding to make your reservation/ booking. However, where the apartment does not provide for a cancellation policy. It is believed that cancellation is free
Promotion Campaign
 Our Host Partners are encouraged to offer discounts from time to time.
–The prices on our site are highly competitive. All prices displayed on the site exclude VAT/ sales tax and all other taxes subject to change of such taxes.
-Payment should be made directly to the host after inspection via physical and digital media means have been made and the guest is completely satisfied by the apartment.

4.0       INSPECTION
-Our staff will from time to time visit host homes for confirmation of JHomes standard and requirements.
– The existing contract between Host and Guest will be annulled where physical inspection of property does not correlate with the videos or pictures submitted. And the guest will be entitled to a refund.

 5.0       REVIEW
JHomes gives opportunity for both Guest and Host to review each other. If you are submitting a review, we will protect your privacy and we will have the right to publish and use your review.
• The use of force, bribe and manipulation in getting a good review is highly prohibited.

6.0       HOSTS
• – Hosts are required to give accurate information of their listing’s features in order to help Guest gauge its suitability. B: Hosts are required to state Community restrictions if any in their listings.
• -Hosts are also required to upload a minimum of 60seconds video or maximum of 1minute, 30seconds video of the property inclusive of the night shots and surroundings to enable guests determine their place of choice.
• Hosts are responsible for any inconsistency in their listings; as information advertised on the site will be subject to host’s approval before placement. Minor errors and mistakes could however be corrected by host through their Login credentials (extranet).
• Properties listed on the site will be subject to a quarterly inspection in order to ensure that it retains the required standard.
N.B: The guest will be entitled to a refund where the physical inspection of property does not correlate with its advert.
Jolli Homes Hosts Shall not

  • Discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, gender expression, national origin or marital status.
  • Post any listing that indicates a preference for a guest on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identity, or marital status.
  • Decline a guest on the basis of gender unless the host shares living spaces (for example, bathroom, kitchen, or common areas) with the guest.
  • Decline a guest based on any actual or perceived disability.
  • Inquire about the existence or severity of a guest’s disability, or the means used to accommodate any disability. If, however, a potential guest raises his or her disability, a host may, and should, discuss with the potential guest whether the listing meets the potential guest’s needs.
  • Charge more in rent or other fees for guests with disabilities, including pet fees when the guest has an assistance animal (such as a service or emotional¬ support animal) because of the disability.
  • Refuse to communicate with guests through accessible including relay operators (for people with hearing impairments) and e-mail (for people with vision impairments using screen readers).
  • Refuse to provide reasonable accommodations, including flexibility when guests with disabilities request modest changes in house rules, such as bringing an assistance animal that is necessary because of the disability, or using an available parking space near the unit. When a guest requests such an accommodation, the host and the guest should engage in a dialogue to explore mutually agreeable ways to ensure the unit meets the guest’s needs.
7.0       GUESTS.
1. Guests shall not use the Locations for any illegal, immoral or offensive purpose;
2. Guests shall not do anything to render the insurance of the Location void or subject to an increased premium;
3. Guests shall acknowledge that their Location will have its own set of rules and guidelines governing its use (“House Rules” which are provided by respective HOSTS) and accordingly, these are deemed incorporated in these T&C by reference.
4. You acknowledge the House Rules may be revised from time to time and undertake to comply with the House Rules throughout the duration of your stay.
5. You are not allowed to make any alteration or modification whatsoever to your Location without a prior written consent to the host. Any alteration or modification made without the host consent is a ground for the immediate termination of your stay or host the host deems fit.
Maximum Occupation
The maximum number of Guests is limited to determined by the host, so kindly check with your host.
All damages should be paid for by the guests or whoever caused the damages before checking out or as agreed by both parties ( Host and Guest) in a written statement .
Nature of these Terms
 Notwithstanding anything in these T&C to the contrary, these T&C shall not be construed as granting you any title, lease, easement, lien, possession or related rights in our business, our locations or anything contained in our locations. These T&C creates no tenancy interest (including any security of tenure), leasehold estate, or other real property rights.
JHomes, its directors, officers, employees and agents shall not be liable for any indirect, special or incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of our services.
JHomes is not responsible for the content of any advertisements by third parties or any products and services provided by such third parties.
In no event shall we be liable directly or indirectly, to anyone for any damage or loss relating to any use or reliance on any of these advertisements, services or any products.

9.0       WAIVER
A waiver of any right under this T &C is only effective if it is in writing and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. No failure or delay by a party in exercising any right or remedy under this T & C or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy or preclude or restrict its further exercise. No single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.
We reserve the right to vary, amend or replace all or any of all these T & C at any time without prior notice to you. We shall notify you of any changes made to these T & C as soon as is practicable but failure to make such notification shall not invalidate the changes.
The laws of the land where the Property is located shall govern this T&C and the same shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of their Courts.
You agree that this agreement is not an assured tenancy and that no periodic tenancy will start at the end of the letting period. As a short-letting platform, this Agreement is excluded for the purposes of the protection of the Tenancy law.